Why Every Day should be Mother's Day.. - Zaynab.Com

Why Every Day should be Mother’s Day..

‘When I stopped looking at my mum through the eyes of a child. I started seeing the woman who helped me give birth to myself..’

What mother’s do cannot be celebrated in a day, I say this not only as a mother but as a daughter of a truly wonderful mother.

We all like to think of ourselves as perfect daughters, but think about it… could we really be perfect daughters without having been given that opportunity by an even more perfect Mother?

I can safely say that like many of you I think my Mum is beyond amazing… She has selflessly devoted more than 50 Years to our family. She has been a rock to my very ill father, an icon of strength to me and my siblings and everything we have ever learnt about achieving what you want through sheer determination and perserverance  is a gene we have inherited from her.

I am proud to say that everything I have learnt about being a mother and how the amazing  bond of unconditional love I feel with my own daughter has been a gift from my mum. She has taught me that patience and kind soft words are what wins a child’s heart. She has shown me that sleepless nights mean nothing when your child wakes up smiling…

Having seen my mother put her entire family before her always and still be happy. Has shown me that making sacrifices for your child should come naturally. If I can be a fraction of  the kind of mother my mum has been, I will hopefully, one day be reading something similar to this by my own daughter…

Mummy, I love you for the amazing woman you are…..

Zaynab x


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