Beauty Test Drive - SilkSkin PillowCase - Zaynab.Com

Beauty Test Drive – SilkSkin PillowCase

I only very recently came across news of a so-called miracle pillowcase. So the team and I set about researching what this was all about. Initially we came across a few companies promoting this miracle but after further research we found the original company that this Product is created by.

Nigella Lawson has spent hundreds of pounds on them and apparently swears by them…

What is it?

SILKSKIN have developed and introduced a unique silk pillow case,  which is a natural and organic skin care product providing effective anti aging skin
care treatment.

As you know your skin repairs itself overnight and it needs the chance to breathe, naturally. SILKSKIN silk pillow cases are said to stop your face from drying out and also protects it from developing more lines or deeper creases. SILKSKIN is a living, breathing product containing the proteins and amino acids that are identical to those in the skin.

Did you Know?

SILKSKIN is also good for preventing ‘bed head’. Using the natural SILKSKIN pillow cases allows hair to glide across the pillow case without getting caught. Regular cotton pillow cases can get the hair caught and cause breakage, especially if you toss and turn a lot while resting. Using a ‘natural beauty treatment’ silk pillowcase, allows hair to glide across the surface without getting snagged. Because they use no natural or chemical dyes, your hair and scalp are less likely to dry out.

SILKSKIN is also good for allergy suffers because it is hypoallergenic; it is also good for Eczema sufferers. This makes it ideal for sensitive, dry or itchy skin and creates the ideal sensitive skin care product. It also maintains the skins moisture levels.

Here’s what I thought….

The pillowcases are actually very very soft, nothing like the satiny silk bedding you get which if you have tried feel soft but can get clammy after a while.  My little one was really excited to try the baby pillowcase..   Being a huge fan of  both Organic & Egyptian cotton I have to say we were pretty impressed. After having now used them for a week it’s definitely a thumbs up. No facial creases in the morning, no hair on the pillow case and I think I can say that I have actually slept better  in the past week. I wonder if the lovely people at SilkSkin are going to introduce bed sheets that can help smooth out body creases too!

Baby Pillow Case: The little one kept telling me how soft it felt on her face. So a Big star from her too.

So Is it worth the £36 per pillowcase price tag I would say yes if you want to maintain younger looking skin that can both breathe and be caressed all whilst you sleep.

For further information on the Pillow Cases and other Silk Products from the range contact

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